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Zlatni BOL Ferienhaus
Bol Insel Brac Kroatien

Relax & be charmed, 20 things to do in Bol Croatia


10. Discover WILD beaches & caves in Bol with KAYAK


From Borak beach your adventure begin... you can choose single or double kayak, waterproof bag, life jacket... Rental price for double kayak for is 7EUR/hour or 11EUR/half day. If you prefer a tour 3 hours in the group with a guide price is 20EUR/person.... 



If you wish to explore area from the west side of Zlatni Rat beach all the way to Murvica and further to Farska there are more then 20 hidden beaches not reachable by car or even by foot because they are far from the main road. You can access this beaches only by rent'a boat too but much better is with kayak.


Kayak island Brac Croatia


You need to paddle only 1 hour to get to Murvica and on the way you will pass Zlatni rat beach, Paklina beach, Golubinja spilja cave and many hidden beaches big enough just for 2-4 people. Souranded by big rocks nobody will come if they see that small boat or your kayak is already there. 





10. Discover WILD beaches & caves in Bol with KAYAK