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Zlatni BOL Ferienhaus
Bol Insel Brac Kroatien

Relax & be charmed, 20 things to do in Bol Croatia


3. Step BACK IN TIME at Blaca Monastery


There is a beauty on Brač Island, that extends past Croatia’s most unique beach. For me the real beauty found in Bol is the not-to-be-missed site of the jaw-dropping Blaca hermitage, also referred to as the Blaca monastery or Pustinja Blaca in Croatian. One of several hermitages on the island, the Blaca monastery is located on the southern side of Brač Island.


Blaca monastery Brac Croatia


It began in a stone cave where a couple monks of the Croatian Glagolitic Order used it as a place of solitude to dedicate themselves to God. In the early 16th century, two Glagothic monks fled the Turks and were offered protection and shelter in a cave in Bol. After receiving the certificate of ownership, these founding monks built a church surrounding the cave, and the jaw-dropping Blaca Monastery was born. Now a museum, the monastery has dozens of eye-opening artifacts, including 8,000 books, many written in Glagolitic script.


Blaca monastery Croatia


Be sure to opt for the guided tour and you’ll be shown many exhibits, among which are paintings, armour, a 400-kilo piano, and a telescope. All of these were acquired using payment in the form of wine, olive oil and honey from the monastery’s farm, shipped to Blaca via boats from Italy, and carried up the mountainside by workers.


Blaca monastery Bol Croatia


The hermitage is accessible in several ways. One option is to take a car up to Dragovoda, once parked you will need to take a short hike there and back (20 to 40 minutes each way) to reach the entrance to Blaca. The second option is to take the walking trail from the port (tours are easily found), its a steep hike and should only be attempted by those who are fit and without small children. Either way be sure to wear enclosed footwear on your walk and pack lots of water, as it can get very hot. Open Tuesday – Sunday 8am – 5pm

Thanks to chasingthedonkey.com #1 Croatia travel guide


3. Step BACK IN TIME at Blaca Monastery